Fallbrook Amateur Radio Club Bulletin

June 2024

We Will Be Doing A Live Meeting June 1

And Zoom If Everything Works.

Members To Get Email Invite Visitors Will Need To Contact Webmaster For Zoom Login Information.


The Fallbrook Amateur Radio Club normally meet at 3:00 PM on the first Saturday of the month.

Normal Meeting Location, The Scout Hut, 231 E. Hawthorne St. Map

This Months Meeting Agenda

  • Spurious Emissions, (Bring in your HT see how it measures up.)
  • Field Day 2024, June 22-23, Planning
  • FARC – Talk, Email List

Fallbrook Amateur Radio Renewals

NameCallDate Expires

Rideout, Arthur WA6IPD 2/29/2024

Eyerman, James KI6OHO 2/29/2024

Baker, Noel KI6QYU 2/29/2024
Second Notice

Weldy, Andrew KG6YWB 4/30/2024
First Notice

Leonelli, Phil WF6L 5/31/2024

Turner, Forrest KK6BYR 5/31/2024

Promack, Ryan KF6ODE 5/31/2024

McGowen, Timothy AF6GL 5/31/2024

Hale, Don KA6ILV 5/31/2024

Member Renew

Upcoming Local Events

– Field Day 2024, June 22-23

Upcoming ARES & Community Events 

Join ARES to get more information. https://www.sdgares.net/

June 1, 2024 Tech Cram Class https://www.sandiegohamclasses.com/

June 7, 2024 (Friday) Hams support SD100 Mile Ultra running event in East County 

June 8, 2024 ARES In-Person Meeting at Sharp Spectrum 

June 8, 2024 ARRL VHF Contest https://www.arrl.org/june-vhf

June 22, 2024 Hams support Black Mtn 50K in Rancho Penasquitos

June 22, 2024 ARRL Field Day https://www.arrl.org/field-day

June 29, 2024 ARES Activity Day at Kearny Mesa Rec Center (0800 to 1200) 

June 29, 2024 Ham Exam VE Session at ARES Activity Day in KM (@ 0930)  

July 13, 2024 ARES In-Person Meeting at Sharp Spectrum 

July 13, 2024 Hams support The Peak 50K at Cuyamaca State Park 

August 10, 2024 ARES In-Person Meeting at Sharp Spectrum (with Winlink software & hardware workshop) 

October 5, 2024 Lakeside Hamfest 

October 19, 2024 Pacificon @ SF Bay Area https://www.pacificon.org/

News & Views


FALLBROOK 10 METER NET Every Wednesday evening 7:30pm 28.340 USB Ruben KD6CWI Net control Join the group for a good rag chew.


This New Portable Logger ROCKS!!!

How to use a nanoVNA as a grid dip meter.

nanoVNA: Measuring the Input Impedance of a Filter

Cell Site

How the Barcode Became An Integral Part of Our Lives

The Story of GPS: “The Lonely Halls Meeting” Full Documentary


Health care giant comes clean about recent hack and paid ransom


Researchers make a plastic that includes bacteria that can digest it

As many of the commenters say, sounds like the start of a SiFi story where all the plastics in the world start to dissolve.

Storing energy with compressed air is about to have its moment of truth

I think all the commenters are missing the point about stored heat. When you compress air, it gets hot. Storing this heat to reheat the air when the pressure is released and the air cools increases efficiency.

Tesla is under a federal wire fraud probe for misleading investors

Claims by Tesla that its Autosteer function reduced crashes by 40 percent—a stat uncritically touted by NHTSA for several years—fell apart in 2019 when an independent review found that the data actually showed that Autosteer increased crash rates by 59 percent.

AT&T loses key ruling in attempt to escape Carrier-of-Last-Resort obligation

“It is not clear why AT&T filed this Application, under existing rules, and then attempted to convince the Commission that it should ignore its rules, based on flawed and erroneous assertions regarding the law and regulatory policy that slowed down the adjudication of this proceeding,” Glegola wrote. I was wrong when I reasoned that ATT wouldn’t ask the CPUC to be relieved of its landline obligation unless the fix was already in. I guess ATT is even stupider than I thought. It does explain the backpedaling letter I received (attached).

GPS Jamming & Spoofing – How Does It Work, And Who’s Doing It?

AT&T paid bribes to get two major pieces of legislation passed, US gov’t says

The government said the bribery scheme resulted in passage of legislation eliminating AT&T’s Carrier of Last Resort (COLR) obligation to provide landline phone service, and separate legislation related to small cell deployments. Guess they didn’t grease enough palms in California. Big surprise when the CPUC rejected their COLR petition.

Connected cars’ illegal data collection and use now on FTC’s “radar


Scale model of our solar system


Arizona woman accused of helping North Koreans get remote IT jobs at 300 companies


San Diego Bans Beach Yoga


de W6VR

Smart Burglars Planting Cameras

Who would have thought….

Meeting Minutes

Fallbrook Amateur Radio Club
Roy Noon Meeting Hall, Fallbrook, California
May 4, 2024

President Ron Patten, KG6HSQ, called the meeting to order at 1501 hrs.

The pledge of allegiance was conducted by Ron, KG6HSQ.

Brent, KJ6UMY, gave the following financial report:

Checking Balance March 31, 2024 $7,836.81
Petty Cash Balance March 31, 2024 $411.81
Total $8,248.62

Membership Dues $100.00
Total $100.00

Dreamhost – FARC Website $173.87
Total $173.87

Petty Cash Balance March 31, 2024 $411.81
Cash Additions $0.00
Total $411.81

Checking Balance April 30, 2024 $7,762.94
Petty Cash Balance April 30, 2024 $411.81
Total $8,174.75

Ron, KG6HSQ, conducted a wrap-up of the Avocado Festival. The concluding meeting was last
Wednesday, but was not attended by Kennedy or law enforcement. Ron reported that two booths
were added to the “do not invite” list. There was an improved map this year. Maps were popular.
Stephen, KC6MIE, reported that he handed out all the maps he had. Forrest, KK6BYR, said that
many of his booths were not marked. Bob, W6RMG, received many questions about the
availability of vendor parking.

Hayden, KG6YVD, cautioned the group of CHP motor unit traffic enforcement on South
Mission Road.

Ron, KG6HSQ, updated the group on the 2 meter repeater noise problem. The 2m repeater is
suffering noise on the squelch tail and some amount of desense. Ron presented a set of spectrums
captured with his nano VNA base spectrum analyzer. The noise source appears to be some
electronics on the tower.

Ron, KG6HSQ, reviewed the VHF Fire Frequency information available on the FARC website.
He reviewed unit designation, unit types and their capabilities.

Stephen, KC6MIE, did a show and tell with a stainless steel 2m J-Pole antenna designed and sold
by KK6DX.

Wayne, K6BFR, reported on the upcoming Fallbrook Vintage Car Club’s 57th annual car show.
The show will have 350 cars on Main Avenue. The show will be May 26th from 0900-1500.

Ron, KG6HSQ, reminded the membership that Field Day is coming up soon on June 22nd and

President Ron Patten, KG6HSQ, adjourned that meeting at 1609 hrs.

Brent Dussia, KJ6UMY
Fallbrook Amateur Radio Club