Fallbrook Amateur Radio Club Bulletin

August 2024

We Will Be Doing A Live Meeting August 3

And Zoom If Everything Works.

Members To Get Email Invite Visitors Will Need To Contact Webmaster For Zoom Login Information.


The Fallbrook Amateur Radio Club normally meet at 3:00 PM on the first Saturday of the month.

Normal Meeting Location, The Scout Hut, 231 E. Hawthorne St. Map

This Months Meeting Agenda

  • FT8 And Digital Modes.
  • ARES Activity Day In Fallbrook, August 24
  • You can bring in your HT to meeting see how it measures up again. (tests last time had an issue)

Fallbrook Amateur Radio Renewals

NameCallDate Expires
Third Notice

Leonelli, Phil WF6L 5/31/2024

Hale, Don KA6ILV 5/31/2024
Second Notice

Perrine, Hayden KG6YVD 6/30/2024

Perrine, Krissy KR6SSY 6/30/2024

Badolian, Shawn KK6NLZ 6/30/2024

Riley, Jr., DeMott KN6GGE 6/30/2024

Scelso, Adam 6/30/2024

Baker, David AK6BQ 6/30/2024

Sowden, Tom W6KAN 6/30/2024
First Notice

Spencer, Stephen KC6MIE 7/31/2024

Jones, Susan KF6GOY 7/31/2024

Member Renew

Upcoming Local & Community Events 

  • ARES Activity Day In Fallbrook, August 24, 2024. Contact KC6MIE For Details.
  • Harvest Faire, October 20. Need help with vendor move in. We will have a booth.
  • Veterans Day Parade, November 11. Need help in staging.
  • Christmas Parade, December 7. Need radio operators.

Upcoming ARES & Community Events 

Join ARES to get more information. https://www.sdgares.net/

  • August 10, 2024 ARES In-Person Meeting at Sharp Spectrum (with Winlink software & hardware workshop) 
  • August 24, 2024 ARES Activity Day at Kearny Mesa Rec Center (0800 to 1200)  (including ham exam opportunity, to sign up for an exam, see https://ham.study/sessions/6625f19c997e43c92bb68c46/1)
  • September 7, 2024 Tech Cram Class at Imperial Beach (contact sandiegohamclasses@me.com for info) 
  • September 14, 2024 ARES In-Person Meeting at Sharp Spectrum
  • September 14, 2024 ARRL VHF Contest 
  • September 14, 2024 Hams support Noble Canyon 50K at Pine Valley 
  • October 5, 2024 California QSO Party https://www.cqp.org/ 
  • October 12, 2024 ARES In-Person Meeting at Sharp Spectrum 
  • October 19, 2024 Scouting Jamboree On The Air (JOTA) 
  • October 19, 2024 Pacificon @ SF Bay Area https://www.pacificon.org/

News & Views


FALLBROOK 10 METER NET Every Wednesday evening 7:30pm 28.340 USB Ruben KD6CWI Net control Join the group for a good rag chew.


Backyard Antenna


SpaceX’s unmatched streak of perfection with the Falcon 9 rocket is over


Rite Aid says breach exposes sensitive details of 2.2 million customers

“Rite Aid is a defendant in several lawsuits stemming from a separate data breach in May 2023. The earlier breach exposed patient names, dates of birth, addresses, prescription data, and insurance data for more than 24,000 customers. Rite Aid has previously reported breaches in 2015, 2017, and 2018.”

de W6VR

Edith Clarke: Architect of Modern Power Distribution – IEEE Spectrum



Every Component of a Switch Mode Power Supply Explained

Understanding Sporadic E

Meeting Minutes

Fallbrook Amateur Radio Club
Roy Noon Meeting Hall, Fallbrook, California
July 6, 2024

President Ron Patten, KG6HSQ, called the meeting to order at 1500 hrs.

The pledge of allegiance was conducted by Ron, KG6HSQ.

Ron, KG6HSQ, had the attendees go around the room and introduce themselves.

Brent, KJ6UMY, gave the following financial report:

Checking Balance May 31, 2024 $7,832.94
Petty Cash Balance May 31, 2024 $431.81
Total $8,264.75

Donation Field Day Food – W6PLT $55.00
Membership Dues $260.00
Total $315.00

Chamber Banquet $79.00
Total $79.00

Petty Cash Balance May 31, 2024 $431.81
Cash Additions $40.00
Total $471.81

Checking Balance June 30, 2024 $8,028.94
Petty Cash Balance June 30, 2024 $471.81
Total $8,500.75

Ron, KG6HSQ, displayed the Lifetime Achievement Award presented to the club by the Fallbrook Chamber of Commerce. Lee, KM6UFF, attended the awards ceremony and accepted the award on behalf of the club.

Ron, KG6HSQ, recapped the club’s field day scores with radio contacts, modes and bonus points. Ron displayed Field Day pictures from the club’s website.

Ron, KG6HSQ, reviewed the large amount of emergency preparedness information available on the club website. He highlighted North County Fire links, the Watch Duty app, HPWREN and Alert Wildfire cameras.

Ron, KG6HSQ, introduced the Genasys Protect system used as the new county grid system. The zones are not a square grid, but based upon practical evacuation areas. Evacuation alerts have three levels: Advisory, Warning and Evacuation. Additionally there is a Shelter in Place advisory.

Ron, KG6HSQ, presented the wireless cell phone alerts available from the county and websites such as Pulsepoint and warn.pbs.org.

President Ron Patten, KG6HSQ, adjourned that meeting at 1611 hrs.

Brent Dussia, KJ6UMY
Fallbrook Amateur Radio Club