Fallbrook Amateur Radio Club Bulletin

September 2024

We Will Be Doing A Live Meeting September 7

And Zoom If Everything Works.

Members To Get Email Invite Visitors Will Need To Contact Webmaster For Zoom Login Information.


The Fallbrook Amateur Radio Club normally meet at 3:00 PM on the first Saturday of the month.

Normal Meeting Location, The Scout Hut, 231 E. Hawthorne St. Map

This Months Meeting Agenda

  • ARES Activity Day In Fallbrook, Recap
  • Route 66 On The Air, KC6MIE
  • Jarvis Island DXpedition

Fallbrook Amateur Radio Renewals

NameCallDate Expires
Third Notice

Badolian, Shawn KK6NLZ 6/30/2024

Scelso, Adam 6/30/2024

Baker, David AK6BQ 6/30/2024

Sowden, Tom W6KAN 6/30/2024
First Notice

Bell, Ron W6BJO 8/31/2024

DiVecchio, Mark K3FWT 8/31/2024

Member Renew

Upcoming Local & Community Events 

  • Harvest Faire, October 20. Need help with vendor move in. We will have a booth.
  • Veterans Day Parade, November 11. Need help in staging.
  • Christmas Parade, December 7. Need radio operators.

Upcoming ARES & Community Events 

Join ARES to get more information. https://www.sdgares.net/

  • August 10, 2024 ARES In-Person Meeting at Sharp Spectrum (with Winlink software & hardware workshop) 
  • August 24, 2024 ARES Activity Day at Kearny Mesa Rec Center (0800 to 1200)  (including ham exam opportunity, to sign up for an exam, see https://ham.study/sessions/6625f19c997e43c92bb68c46/1)
  • September 7, 2024 Tech Cram Class at Imperial Beach (contact sandiegohamclasses@me.com for info) 
  • September 14, 2024 ARES In-Person Meeting at Sharp Spectrum
  • September 14, 2024 ARRL VHF Contest 
  • September 14, 2024 Hams support Noble Canyon 50K at Pine Valley 
  • October 5, 2024 California QSO Party https://www.cqp.org/ 
  • October 12, 2024 ARES In-Person Meeting at Sharp Spectrum 
  • October 19, 2024 Scouting Jamboree On The Air (JOTA) 
  • October 19, 2024 Pacificon @ SF Bay Area https://www.pacificon.org/

News & Views


FALLBROOK 10 METER NET Every Wednesday evening 7:30pm 28.340 USB Ruben KD6CWI Net control Join the group for a good rag chew.


Activity Day Recap

Our site turned out to work well. Dave KE6BJE was the land owner and was happy to see us there. Elevation was about 550′ with good 360 visibility. Kc6mie had antenna mast failure on one section of his mast. No HF contacts from his station but talked to two new hams at the KM site on UHF Kyle k06ftk and ko6bt Dwayne. KK6BYR Forrest worked on two versions of a rotatable dipole, but made no contacts. Scot KN6VRI set up a portable solar powered supply that supplied power to KC6MIE HF station. Brent KJ6UMY made 3 VARA FM contacts, kn6rcz, ki6gro and k6amq all at the KM site Our Prize winner winner chicken dinner went to Jacob KO6DSS who made 31 contacts with his ham stick dipole on 10 meters. Jacob is one of our newest members of FARC. Every time we set up for AD we learn from out failures as well as our victories. Thanks to all the FARC hams who participated and I’m sure carried away something of value to be used next AD.

9:1 Unun Vertical Antennas – 40 metres through 10 metres

2024 Route 66 On The Air



Tesla Semi battery fire in California


“AI toothbrushes” are coming for your teeth—and your data

The list of products that can be transitioned to spy on you is endless.

Oklahoma dog ignites house fire after chewing on lithium-ion battery


A new report finds Boeing’s rockets are built with an unqualified work force

Former McDonnell Douglass management teaches a graduate level class in how to destroy an engineering company.

AT&T rebuked over misleading ad for nonexistent satellite phone calling

As I’ve alway said: When did marketing become straight out lying?

Notes on the Terminated Wide-Band “Folded Dipole”


Speed Limiters On New Cars Are Coming . . .

Your TV set has become a digital billboard. And it’s only getting worse.


Electric vehicle battery fires—what to know and how to react

“It’s very rare, but lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles can catch fire.” (In your garage. At night. Burning your whole house down. Auto insurance doesn’t cover the house.)

Jaguar I-Pace fire risk leads to recall, instructions to park outdoors



EASY Start: Parks On The Air! #POTA

Electrolytic Capacitors: Comprehensive Overview, Teardown, and Experiments


ARRL Urges Protecting the Amateur Radio 902-928 MHz Band


de W6VR

The Shiny New “MEP” Missing & Endangered Persons Alert Code

MEP is coming to radio, TV and cellphones near you soon:

Your TV set has become a digital billboard. And it’s only getting worse. | Ars Technica

Not so many years ago, TV sets were one-way devices. Now they are increasingly spying on personal viewing habits and your interest in certain ads thanks to the two-way nature of modern communications. “Data-collection” to the max — and that is a very lucrative field. This interesting article from ARS Technica sheds light on the emerging television landscape:

FCC’s National Broadband Map

Explore the FCC’s National Broadband Map for fixed location and mobile Internet service speeds. Insert your address and discover your options:

Meeting Minutes

Fallbrook Amateur Radio Club
Roy Noon Meeting Hall, Fallbrook, California
August 3, 2024

President Ron Patten, KG6HSQ, called the meeting to order at 1502 hrs.

The pledge of allegiance was conducted by Ron, KG6HSQ.

Checking Balance June 30, 2024 $8,028.94
Petty Cash Balance June 30, 2024 $431.81
Total $8,460.75

Donation $10.00
Membership Dues $140.00
Total $150.00

None $0.00
Total $0.00

Petty Cash Balance June 30, 2024 $431.81
Cash Additions $50.00
Total $481.00

Checking Balance July 31, 2024 $8,128.94
Petty Cash Balance July 31, 2024 $471.81
Total $8,610.75

Ron, KG6HSQ, had the attendees go around the room and introduce themselves.

Ron, KG6HSQ, pointed everyone to information on the FARC website including the newsletter, list of expiring memberships and upcoming activities, which included:

Activity Day on August 24th. Stephen, KC6MIE, described the activity which will be held on a neighbors property not far from his house from 0800 – 1200 hrs.

Harvest Faire on October 20th on Main Avenue in Fallbrook. This is sort of a mini Avocado
Festival. FARC will be assisting with traffic control in getting participants to their booth

Veteran’s Day Parade on November 11th. FARC will be assisting with the staging of parade

Christmas Parade on December 7th. FARC will be assisting with the staging of parade

Bob, W6VR, related his participation as a communicator for the 1984 Olympics Equestrian
events held in Fairbanks Ranch. Five simplex frequencies were used. He display the jacket from the uniform the communicators wore.

Stephen, KC6MIE, reminded the group of the upcoming Route 66 contest coming in September. Participants who make at least one Route 66 station contact (out of about 21) receive a very nice certificate.

Ron, KG6HSQ, demonstrated WSJT-X the various digital modes it supports and the equipment setup. He discussed the differences between the different supported digital modes.

Jerry asked about operating Winlink from a sailboat. He has the equipment, but needs to get a license to operate.

President Ron Patten, KG6HSQ, adjourned that meeting at 1620 hrs.

Brent Dussia, KJ6UMY
Fallbrook Amateur Radio Club